How to Write a Research Paper?

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A research paper is a culmination and final product of first hand survey, critical thinking, source evaluation and composition that gives a unique perspective about the research question. A research paper analyzes a perspective or argues a point. Regardless of the type of research paper, it should always present author’s unique perspective on the issue at hand, backed by other’s ideas and findings.

The research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have a work-plan and diligence to complete it. It should have the following information:

  1. A research question
  2. Important theoretical and conceptual setting
  3. Its significance.
  4. Objective points
  5. A brief outline of approach you might take.
  6. Expected outcome and who will benefit from it.

Research paper framing is a task that can be messy and frustrating if not done with proper planning. Use following steps as guiding steps to write your own research paper:

Steps to Write a Research Paper

#1 Choose a topic:

You should have genuine interest in the chosen topic. Your attitude towards the subject will determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm you put into research.

#2 Collect Information:

Stick to reliable and quality information source like previous journals, news articles, etc. Verify your statistical data and check for accuracy.

#3 Identify your audience:

Select an audience base that is neither too broad nor too narrow. Pay special attention to people who will benefit from your research and plan accordingly.

State your thesis clearly and concisely. It should highlight your perspective which will be supported by your research.

#4 Frame your abstract:

It should be a short summary of a research topic. It should include research question. Include Hypothesis(if any) and mention the rationale behind it. Include methods used and main findings.

#5 Include literature review:

Articulate the findings of related research work. Give credits to those who laid the ground work for the research. Your paper should build further on the research question and provide your unique perspective based on data you collected through field surveys and research.

#6 Make the tentative outline:

Follow a logical structure throughout your document. Your audience should be able to follow your research with ease. All the sub topics should be relatable to your research question.

[Expert Guide]How to Write a Research Paper?

#7 Include conclusion and bibliography:

Conclusion or closing remark is very important.

Bibliography section is a must. Include links to all information sources and give credits to original authors. Citations are very important when it comes to research paper.

#8 Drafting:

No drafting should be done without a research question or thesis statement

Drafting is one of the last stages in the process of writing a research paper.

#9 Revising, Editing, Proofreading:

  • Revising consists of:
  • Changing paragraphs and layout
  • An evaluation and revision of word choice and keywords
  • Removal of sections and sub sections that are less relevant

Editing is done in the interest of appearance of document, and includes the following:

  • Analysis of tone and voice used in the project along with keywords
  • Correction in the presentation layout to make things more clear
  • Evaluation of major sub topics and consistency of logical flow

This process is usually done towards the final stages of the project.

Seek review:

Get your paper reviewed by an expert, your colleague or professor. Aim for at least 2-3 reviews.

Writing a research paper may seem to be intimidating at first. It largely due to lack of experience and knowledge. Writing a research paper  is a journey worth taking. It immensely expands your knowledgebase and gives you a sense of fulfilment. All it requires is diligence and patience.

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